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Scentsy Selling Tip: Set Realistic Expectations For Yourself And Your Business

Crystal Moorhouse

Our August business tip is: Set Realistic Expectations For Yourself And Your Scentsy Business. August is when I start to plan and make goals for my fall business and I can easily go overboard with how much I want to accomplish during the these months. One thing that has really helped me is to pull out my calendar and look at a monthly layout and write down everything I have going on. If I am in hosting Thanksgiving or want to host a holiday party, I pick a date now. Why so early you ask? Because nobody has plans yet! If you already have the date planned, then when the date comes closer you've already got it scheduled in your calendar and it is quick and easy to get invitations made and sent out.

Once I have everything written down on my calendar I look to see realistically how many parties, shows, etc. I can do that month. I will write my goal on the top of my calendar. Then when I'm talking to past or potential hosts to schedule parties, I can easily see if I've reached my goal for the month AND if I'm over scheduling myself.

Planning months in advance has really made a difference in my business and helped me to set realistic expectations for myself. It may seem silly or be a little overkill, but I promise that by planning 2-3 months ahead you are prioritizing the most important things first (family events, sports, trips etc.). Also, you are setting realistic and achievable goals for your business by glancing at your month and seeing where you are available for shows and parties. It's always easier to set dates ahead of time verses trying to fit things into your schedule last minute.

If you want to read other tips to improve your business, you can check out my Scentsy Selling Tips, I am here to help you succeed as a Scentsy Consultant, so contact me anytime with your business questions!

Crystal Moorhouse

Scentsy SuperStar Director & Scentsy's 11th Consultant

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